IFS Script

Check back soon for a guided audio and video!!

This profound modality was first introduced to me by AstroShaman Benjamin Bernstein, whose work inspired me to integrate IFS into my personal healing and professional practice. Over time, it has become a cornerstone of the work I do with clients, offering a compassionate and effective way to connect with and heal your inner parts.

If you'd like personalized guidance or to dive deeper into your IFS journey, I invite you to reach out and schedule a one-on-one session with me. Together, we can explore how this incredible tool can bring clarity, healing, and balance to your life.

Whether you choose to follow the script or watch the accompanying video, this tool is designed to support you on your healing journey.

Simple IFS script. Also look at Bert Helinger's No Bad Parts for further work in this field. 

  • If you are guided elsewhere, follow the guides, and try to keep coming back to the flow of the script to check in and make sure we aren't leaving any parts hanging or work unfinished 

  • With all steps, give yourself time. Stay open and curious. Keep breathing.

  • Goal is to feel witnessing awareness, compassion, curiosity, or neutrality towards the parts. If you find you are having a strong reaction to any of your parts, try to see that reaction as another part of you. If that is too challenging or exhausting, call in a higher guide, ancestor, being you trust and feel safe with that can intercede in these interactions. 

  • Speak to everything as though it can respond. For instance, if you are wanting to move another part to a safer environment, and it tries to move, yet gets pulled back, help that part feel into what is keeping it there. If it’s glue, mud, a vice-grip, etc. speak to that part as well and ask it what it needs, or if it wants to come, too.

  • Trust your intuition; trust what is coming through. Don’t worry about it making sense. It may make sense later, it may never make sense. It’s your subconscious world; it defies logic.

  • Nothing can happen by force, everything needs to be consent based.

  • Parts can be blended or want to be spoken to at the same time, just stay open, curious, and keep asking where do i feel this in my body, and what does this part need me to know in this moment, and what does this part need in this moment

  • Often, when parts come up, people want to think it’s not theirs. Whatever you need to work through this is important, and the parts usually are yours, just in a form you might not understand. Regardless, work with your inner world with love and compassion.

  1. Call to mind an emotional, energetic, or physical challenge. 

  2. Ask, if this were to live in my body, where might it live

  3. Place a hand in those places, if you can do so comfortably, and offer energetic support, love, words like: Hey, I've got you. Coming to this space almost like you are putting your hand on a good friend's shoulder. Like, I'm here for you. 

  4. In this space, if you haven't already, drop in. Find your breath; find your feet; feel your seat, and call in any energetic support or protection or divine assistance you would like to

  5. Focusing on that part of the body again, begin to ask questions, like how does this feel in my body? What does it feel like? Is it heavy, light, itchy, changey? Etc. As you are doing this a clear image or description may arise, like: it feels like a hand around my throat, or, it feels like a ball of rubber bands in my stomach.

  6. Relax into the feeling; trust it, trust yourself, and trust your intuition/subconscious 

  7. If no clear image arose from feeling the feeling, ask yourself, if this were a 'thing' or a figure, what might it look like or be? Answers may pop in quickly. You may perceive a clear image, or thought or idea or memory, etc. It may be you as a child, a cartoon character, an object, a place, or even a shadow. Remember, fogs and mists and blurs can also be a "thing". Don't put a lot of pressure on yourself to have a clear image, if you can even just get a feel for it, you can work with it. 

  8. Coming back to your breath, and remembering to breathe throughout this process, start to ask this part, this figure questions. As though you were talking to another person, who isn't you. Questions like:

    1. Do you have a name, or something you would like to be called?

    2. What are you afraid of?

    3. Do you know how old I am?

    4. Do you know how old you are?

    5. Does this part feel safe where it's at? Does it need to freeze time or relocate or magically go somewhere else?

    6. Be sympathetic and agree, yes, I know that sounds very hard and very scary, you’re right, your feelings are valid, etc. Validate the parts. Keep checking in with yourself as well. It is okay to pause

      1. For example, if a part says it is stopping you from killing yourself, take a few moments at least, and just let that be true. If you need help, resource yourself with a phone call, a friend, a spiritual guide, mental health help, suicide hotline, etc.

    7. Ask the part, are you a part that is trying to protect me from something, a part that has been cut off from me, or something else?

      1. If it is a protector, work with the protector with gratitude and respect. Get to know it. Get to know its story, what it likes, what it needs, what it’s afraid of will happen if it stops fulfilling its role as a protector.

      2. Breathe

      3. Once this protector part feels heard, say something like: I know you’ve been doing a very hard job, and I really think I can help; can you please show me the part of me that you have been protecting, or are protecting me from?

        1. In order for any change to be sustainable, the protector part must say yes or consent

        2. If the protector part says “no” keep going, gently, with questions, like what are you afraid will happen, what do you need to feel safe saying yes, do you know how old I am, etc. If the protector continually says “no”, it’s okay. Just keep building a relationship with that part, you can follow the script for the protector part, like you would for the exiled part. You can also ask if they want energy medicine, or Reiki, etc. You can ask what they need from you. They might not believe you are big enough to handle the challenge. Call in a higher self, make yourself bigger than the part, show them who you are now, call in someone or something they feel safe or confident in and have that integrated part support the process, etc.

        3. If while you are working with the protector, you become aware of another part, or a part of your body, you can move to it and focus on it, just remember, to keep coming back to the protector for sustainable change. If you move on to another part of your body and it is not in the same system as the cantankerous protector, just go forward with the script for that new system. 

        4. Enthusiastic consent is not required from the protector, so something like, fine, or I guess, or make it quick, or even sideways glance of you’ve got 5 minutes, or just a softening will work

      4. If it is an exile, a part that has been cut off from you that is bearing the burden of an emotional memory or experience, ask them to show you the protector part, it may be a part they feel is protecting them; it may be a part they are terrified of. They may be too scared to show you, just keep showing up, and asking what they need. Once the protector part is revealed, work with it with the above steps (8.ii.g.2)

  9. Once consent to work with the exile has been achieved, check to make sure you are feeling compassion, curiosity, neutrality towards that part. Worry or grief is another part that needs to be separated from you and your integrated self

    1. Tips: 

      1. Breathe

      2. you may be picking up on how the exiled parts are feeling

      3. You may be too enmeshed in that memory to separate and need to call on a higher self

      4. You may be able to process, as long as you can find love or neutrality for that part

    2. Working with the exiled part, Offer them love, compassion, comfort or the opportunity to change locations or freeze time if they are uncomfortable or in distress. Follow their lead. Whatever they ask for is possible for them to have. If they bump up against something, treat it like it’s a part

      1. For example, if the exile wants to move, but can’t, it feels like it’s stuck, treat the stuckness like it’s a part. Find the stuck feeling in your own body, focus on it, get an image, ask it’s name, etc, follow the steps, you would below for the exile until it has released or cooperated, etc.

    3. Ask the exiled part if it would like a hug or hand hold, regardless of its answer, allow love to flow through you into them

    4. Begin to gently respect this part

    5. Remember to breathe

    6. Ask this part to help you understand them

      1. Let them know to try not to completely overwhelm you with their feelings. Feelings are ok, and if you the integrated self feel completely overwhelmed, it is ok to take a break, just let the part know that you might need to take a break if you get too overwhelmed.

      2. What do they want you to know

      3. Are there memories they want to share with you

      4. Are there feelings they want you to feel

      5. Are there stories or words they want you to hear or need to share with you

      6. They can communicate anyway they feel comfortable

        1. Don’t stress, they can communicate in words, thoughts, feelings, sensations, memories, images, ideas, visceral emotions etc

      7. If they don’t feel safe fully communicating with you, call on someone or something that they do feel safe with and have them support the conversation

    7. When that feels complete, affirm them, answer any questions, dialogue, and ask if there is anything else

      1. Repeat f-ii through g until the part feels complete

      2. They may feel stuck in a loop

      3. They may jump to the next steps on their own, all of what is happening is ok

      4. When it seems like there is a shift, or it might seem like it’s the same thing on repeat, ask if they feel ready to move on to the next step

      5. They might feel hesitant, confused, or even really ready, all of it is ok, just keep affirming them and answering their questions. It’s ok if they don’t know what the next step is, 

    8. Once they say yes, we offer the memory reprogram step

      1. Tell them this part is optional

      2. We ask if they want to re-remember or re-imaging the memory or memories that they may be trapped in

      3. Tell them it doesn’t change the past, or even change their memories, but allows them to have a different emotional relationship with what they are remembering.

      4. If they say yes, proceed with the below process; if they say no, head over to the next step

      5. Memory reconfiguration

        1. As stated, this step is optional and does not change what happened, just the emotional relationship with it.

        2. Ask the part to re-remember the experience, but in a way that would have felt better

          1. Maybe the event never happened and the part was just somewhere different

          2. Maybe a loving figure stepped in and corrected something

          3. Maybe a loving parental figure behaved differently

          4. Maybe the part just lived with a completely different family

          5. Maybe you as an adult were there and helped that part through something and offered them love or took them out of the environment completely (can be as simple as sitting next to yourself, helping the part of you do their homework)

        3. Let the new memories feel real in your body

        4. Feel how good, complete, integrated, light, connected you could have felt in that moment, breather

        5. If it helps or feels necessary, feel free to invite some bilateral motion into this

          1. Pass an object back and forth between your hands, 

          2. March in place

          3. Bounce your eyes gently back and forth

          4. Rub one arm on the other

        6. Once the memories have settled, ask the part if they are ready to move forward

        7. If yes, proceed, if no, keep re-remembering

          1. Sometimes, we don’t know what unconditional love looks or feels like, or what it would have been like to have an attuned and loving and receptive caregiver, if it helps, think of folks like Mr. Rogers or Big Bird. 

          2. Sometimes we don’t know what we wish we could have heard, just what we didn’t want to hear, try and think of the opposite: I love you, it’s not your job to take care of my feelings, I’m meant to take care of you. I’m here, I’m listening, etc.

      6. Release

        1. Breathe

        2. Ask the part if they have anything they would like to release

          1. Maybe it’s an energy

          2. Maybe it’s an object

          3. Maybe it’s a color

          4. Maybe it’s a feeling

          5. Maybe it’ nothing

          6. Maybe black gunk or tears or snakes just come pouring out of them 

          7. Maybe a giant rain cloud just starts to release 

          8. Maybe they feel like they already released it with their memories

        3. Witness and assist when asked this release, if there is one

        4. When it seems complete, ask if there is more

        5. If yes, witness more, if no, move on

        6. Keep asking if there’s more, if it’s taking a while, ask the part if they want to continue to release on their own, and if they feel ready to move to the next step, respect and facilitate whatever decision they make

      7. Transmute

        1. Breathe

        2. Ask the part if there is anything they would like to transmute

          1. Maybe the snakes they puked up turn into diamonds

          2. Maybe a holy fire comes in and burns the black go into stardust

          3. Maybe rain comes in and washes everything away

          4. Maybe wind comes and blows the things that were released away

          5. Maybe a rainbow comes in

          6. Maybe the earth transmutes everything into rich soil

          7. Trust the part

        3. Witness and feel it completing

          1. When it seems complete, ask the part if there’s more

          2. If it seems like it’s taking a while, ask the part if it can continue the transmutation process on their own

          3. Respect and facilitate whatever the part needs

      8. Gifts and Talents

        1. Breathe

        2. Ask the part if it wants to call in any gifts and talents

          1. Maybe it wants a pony

          2. Maybe it wants peace

          3. Maybe it wants magic, or the ability to fly

        3. Whatever it asks for, physically feel the energy of that thing coming into your system

        4. When that feels complete, check in with the part to make sure they feel complete

        5. Wait for them to be ready to move forward

      9. Integration

        1. Breathe

        2. Ask the part where they would like to go now

          1. Maybe they want to come into your inner world

          2. Maybe they want to go to the beach

          3. Wherever they want to go, facilitate them in that process

          4. (they might want to stay near you, or have a part of you stay with them, as long as it’s consensual, it’s fine

        3. Tell them: I can hear you now, if there’s anything you need, please tell me. Also, if there is anyway I can connect with you, please let me know. I can hear you now.

        4. Offer any gratitude or love or whatever and witness the part head on their way, wherever that is. (it might just be your shoulder!)

      10. Releasing the Protector

        1. If the exiled part is still close by, ask if it’s ok if you shift focus onto the protector

        2. Shifting to the protector, ask first, what does the protector need/want in this moment.

          1. Often, they are ready to go, sometimes, they actually need the full procedure done with the exile. Whatever they need facilitate that

        3. And, the last question you will ask the protector is: Now that your role of protector has been fulfilled, where would you like to be/go?

        4. They usually know pretty quickly

        5. Witness and support their process of leaving, returning, integrating, etc. 

          1. Sometimes they want to stay closer to you, as long as it’s ok with you, they can

  10. Breathe

  11. Release the meditation, offer some gratitude, and orient yourself to the room again. This process for this particular part is complete